I have created web-application using Joomla 2.5.
In that I have used Joomla user management. I have kept menu as View Profile & Edit Profile (Menu Item Type as Users Manager » User Profile). The problem is when I click on View Profile, I get un-wanted data also as shown below.
Basic Settings
Editor: Editor - JCE
Time zone: No Information Entered
Frontend language: No Information Entered
Backend Template Style: No Information Entered
Backend language: No Information Entered
Help Site: No Information Entered
so what I want is edit this page and show only what I wanted. Any idea what steps I need to follow to edit the same?
After following Lodder answer I am able to remove Basic settings. Now on page I have
Name:: dummy name
Username:: id
Registered Date: Sunday, 07 October 2012
Last visited date: Tuesday, 09 October 2012
However what I want is
Name:: dummy name
Username:: id
Email Id :: dummy@dummy.com
Phone :: 12345678
Follow these simple steps:
To replace the last 2 fields with e-mail and phone, I firstly recommend you do a template override so that you are not editing any core Joomla files. What you want to be overriding is the following:
Once you have overridden this file, open it and starting on line 31, you will see the following code:
<?php echo JHtml::_('date', $this->data->registerDate); ?>
which needs to be replaced with:
<?php echo "E-mail"; ?>
//or you can make this language based. Up to you.
<?php $user = JFactory::getUser();
echo $user->email; ?>
The same applies for the other field which I assume will be something along the lines of this, depending on how you created it:
<?php echo "Phone"; ?>
//or you can make this language based. Up to you.
<?php $user = JFactory::getUser();
echo $user->phone; ?>