Mostly self-explanatory, but I just want the song title and artist sent as a JavaScript plain text object, so I can style it myself in CSS. And possibly a way for it to link back to the song on Spotify would be cool too.
Link your spotify to Last FM -
Then grab an API Key when you've signed up for Last FM and you can show what you've listened too with the following script (requires jQuery) & html:
<li class=”artist”>Artist: </li>
<li class=”track”>Track: </li>
$.getJSON('[USERNAME]&api_key=[KEY]&format=json', function(data) {
var artist = $(".artist"),
track = $(".track"),
artistVal = data.recenttracks.track[0].artist["#text"],
trackVal = data.recenttracks.track[0].name;
Replace [Key] with API key and [Username] with your Last FM username