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How to rename duplicate rows

I have an Excel sheet with I have around 25k rows of data in the following format:

Column1 | Column 2

A | value1    
A | value2    
A | value3    
B | value1    
B | value2    
C | value1    
C | value2

and so on. I would like to rename the duplicate rows and put an integer in place of it. I would like the new data to be:

Column1 | Column 2

  1 | value1    
  1 | value2    
  1 | value3    
  2 | value1    
  2 | value2    
  3 | value1    
  3 | value2

How can this be done?


  • Im assuming your Column 1 is in Col A and your Column 2 is in Col B and that you just simply want to convert letters (capital letters) to number.

    Insert a new column as Col A. So now your letter are in Col B. Then type the formula

    =CODE(B2) - 64

    in cell A2 (assuming row 1 is for headings) and drag it down.

    Then copy the whole of Col A, right click on cell A1 and choose paste values. Then delete Col B.

    Based on your comment do the following instead.

    Insert a column between the two in you example. In the top cell of the column put the value 1. In the next cell =IF(A2<>A1,B1+1, B1) and then drag down.

    enter image description here