I am running a php script in command line that connects to a oracle and mssql to fetch some data and write to a file. Actually it was a cron on linux machine which needed to be transfered to windows 2008.
The command is throwing the error:
fatal error call to undefined method MDB2_error::disconnect() in path\to\script.php in line63
The code around line 63 are:
$db_clw = MDB2::factory($config->database->CLW->dsn);
if (PEAR::isError($db_clw)) {
any idea?
You are calling the disconnect method on a MDB2 error
object. That method does not have a disconnect method.
$db_clw = MDB2::factory($config->database->CLW->dsn);
if (PEAR::isError($db_clw)) {
// ^ method does not exist