Search code examples

Looking for an example of when screen scraping might be worthwhile

Screen scraping seems like a useful tool - you can go onto someone else's site and steal their data - how wonderful!

But I'm having a hard time with how useful this could be.

Most application data is pretty specific to that application even on the web. For example, let's say I scrape all of the questions and answers off of StackOverflow or all of the results off of Google (assuming this were possible) - I'm left with data that is not very useful unless I either have a competing question and answer site (in which case the stolen data will be immediately obvious) or a competing search engine (in which case, unless I have an algorithm of my own, my data is going to be stale pretty quickly).

So my question is, under what circumstances could the data from one app be useful to some external app? I'm looking for a practical example to illustrate the point.


  • A good example is StackOverflow - no need to scrape data as they've released it under a CC license. Already the community is crunching statistics and creating interesting graphs.

    There's a whole bunch of popular mashup examples on ProgrammableWeb. You can even meet up with fellow mashupers (O_o) at events like BarCamps and Hack Days (take a sleeping bag). Have a look at the wealth of information available from Yahoo APIs (particularly Pipes) and see what developers are doing with it.

    Don't steal and republish, build something even better with the data - new ways of understanding, searching or exploring it. Always cite your data sources and thank those who helped you. Use it to learn a new language or understand data or help promote the semantic web. Remember it's for fun not profit!

    Hope that helps :)