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Automatically read chat text from Minecraft

In Minecraft I was hoping to find a way to read the chat automatically like pictured below

minecraft chat screenshot

In order to record transactions made in the virtual shop into a PostgreSQL database. Preferably using Python. I do not own the Minecraft server.

My plan is to either find a way to directly read the packets sent from the Minecraft server (preferred for reliability, but of unknown difficulty) or as a backup plan maybe figure out how to screen scrape the text. I've found some resources that would let me change the font to monospaced which would provide a more reliable way to read in the font and I believe create perfectly consistent places on the screen for each character. I could face a direction that is close to black but not quite, but would prefer not to have to. As pictured above you see there are many different colors of font to contend with too.

Even after reducing it as described above, I'm still not sure how to turn it into text using python.

Any tips on my approach? Any hints at how I could read the packets coming from the server? Any tips on scraping the text from my screen?


  • First, as kuyan suggested, see, which has links to various programs that may be useful, either directly or for source to look at.

    For example, under Utilities, the first thing that comes up is a logging proxy.

    And a bit down, there's mc3p, the program suggested by Joran Beasley—a Python proxy, with plugin support. It only works up to 1.2.5, but sadimusi/mc3p claims to be a 1.4.2-compatible fork. As J.F. Sebastian says, mc3p has an interface for log plugins, so you can just write one that logs to postgres.

    If you want to read the packets yourself, that's not hard. You can write a generic TCP proxy in a few dozen lines of Python—or write one in 2 lines of shellscript around netcat that tees the data to your Python script.

    The hard part isn't intercepting the data; it's parsing the protocol. Minecraft probably isn't sending "Nightbane: 1 tnt for 100.000 Dollars each", but something like "offer:Nightbane:1:tnt:100" or "\x13\x09Nightbane\x00\x01\x72\x00\x64". From what the wiki says, the protocol is documented, but poorly, and sometimes inaccurately, and the wiki is sometimes incorrect too, and the official code is very ugly and hard to read. Which means that the best way to figure out the protocol is probably by reading sadimusi/mc3p or one of the other projects like McPacketSniffer or ProtoProxy, at which point you have to ask whether it would be easier to just use that project instead of reimplementing it.

    At any rate, scraping the screen should be your last resort.