So far I have tried two approaches:
-1. Add to web.xml:
-2. Using pretty faces, add to pretty-config.xml:
<rewrite match="(?i)^(.*)#\.\w+(.*)" substitute="$1$2" redirect="301"/>
-3. Jetty specific. Add to web.xml:
Nothing helps. Also I cannot understand, what the difference between "#.{jsessionid}" and "jsessionid={jsessionid}" formats (where {jsessionid} is some hash-looking string )?
It looks like fragment-id. What is he doing on all my URLs?
This hash is not jsessionid. It is appended by addthis tracking. To disable it use:
<script type="text/javascript">
var addthis_config = {
"data_track_addressbar" : false
I don't know, may be it is better to delete the question, as it's kind of stupid.