In the C++ standard, std::ios::openmode
, std::ios::fmtflags
and std::ios::iostate
are implementation defined. But std::ios::goodbit
is standardized to be equal to zero. My question is : can these bitmask be casted to boolean values according to the standard. In other words, to test if an error flag is set, can we type :
inline void myFunction(std::ios::iostate x = std::ios::goodbit)
if (x) { // <- is it ok or do I have to type "if (x != std::ios::goodbit)" ?
No this is not portable code. std::ios::iostate is a Bitmask type which, according to the C++ standard (
Each bitmask type can be implemented as an enumerated type that overloads certain operators, as an integer type, or as a bitset
If iostate is implemented in terms of the latter case, then your code will fail to compile as std::bitset has neither an operator bool nor is it implicitly convertible to an integral type (as in your case).
Note: The following fails to compile:
std::bitset<8> b;
return (b) ? 1 : 0;
while this works:
std::bitset<8> b;
return (b != 0) ? 1 : 0;