I have written a code for inserting to the binary tree an element generic's type which is ordered by their names. Don't think it is correct though.
public boolean insert(E e) {
BTNode temp = root;
if (root == null) {
while (temp != null)
if (temp.element().getClass().getName().compareTo(e.getClass().getName()) < 0) {
temp = temp.getRight();
} else {
temp = temp.getLeft();
return true;
Can you suggest me corrections ?
An insert would need to create a new node. I don't now how to create them as I haven't see the constuctor, but I suggest something along the lines of:
public boolean insert(E e) {
if (root == null) {
root = new BTNode();
root.setElement(e); //how would this work with a null root?
return true; //that's it, we're done (when is this ever false by the way?)
BTNode current = root;
while (true) { //brackets! indenting is important for readabilty
BTNode parent=current;
if (current.element().getClass().getName().compareTo(e.getClass().getName()) < 0) {
current = current.getRight();
if(current==null) { //we don't have a right node, need to make one
current = new BTNode();
break; //we have a new node in "current" that is empty
} else {
current= current.getLeft();
if(current==null) { //we don't have a left node, need to make one
current = new BTNode();
break; //we have a new node in "current" that is empty
return true;