I've a number of tables that are related between them with a foreign and primary key (basic) system.
I want to concat (comma separated) the values of the last "in-depth" table, respecting to some conditions.
Because it's hard to explain, I've made a draw that, I think, it's pretty explicit:
Larger image can be found here: http://tinypic.com/r/2ngdaah/6
Note: tableE is already created with the column name corresponding to the names presented in tableD
Thank you!
I made a query but im not certain is correct. The reason is that the conditions you described used the symbol <= (less than or equal) and it appears to be just = (equal) because of the results below them.
However, Try this:
select *
from (select id,
max(case when e.tableD_id = 1 then e.agg_values else null end) alpha,
max(case when e.tableD_id = 2 then e.agg_values else null end) beta,
max(case when e.tableD_id = 3 then e.agg_values else null end) gamma
from tableA a,
(select b.tableA_id,
group_concat(cast(c.value as char) order by c.id asc) agg_values
from tableB b,
tableC c
where c.tableB_id = b.id
group by b.tableD_id,b.tableA_id
having count(*) >= 3) e
where a.id = e.tableA_id
group by id, name
) n
where n.alpha is not null
and n.beta is not null
and n.gamma is not null
Modified the query to support the conditions with >= instead of <=.
SQLFIDDLE: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/f28c8/1/0
SQLFIDDLE, first condition only: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/f28c8/4