So I am supposed to make a vending machine for my intro to programming class Lab. So far this is what my Java code looks like.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class VendingMachine
public static void main (String[] args)
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
final int quarter = 25;
final int dime = 10;
final int nickel = 15;
int cost = keyboard.nextInt ();
int totalChange = 100 - cost;
int totalQuarters= totalChange/quarter;
totalChange = totalChange % quarter;
int totalDimes = totalChange/dime;
totalChange = totalChange % dime;
int totalNickels = totalChange/nickel;
totalChange = totalChange % nickel;
System.out.print("Enter Price for your item" + "30" );
What I need it to do is this.
Enter a price for item (from 25 cents to a dollar, in 5-cent increments): 45
You bought and item for 45 cents and gave me a dollar, so your change is
2 quarters,
0 dimes, and
1 nickels.
With the values 30 , 65, and 100. For some reason the program will not start up in Blue I know Eclipse is recommended but I think I want to finish this lab with Blue J, anyone have any tips?
My guess is that the program is starting, but you don't realize it because it is waiting for input.
Move the line containing System.out.print("Enter Price for your item" + "30" );
above your keyboard.nextInt
scanning for input. Like so:
System.out.print("Enter Price for your item" + "30" );
int cost = keyboard.nextInt ();