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How to change the code so that combobox shows the list of displayField values

How to change the code so that combobox shows the list of ​​displayField values when store has nested json data.

When I edit column "name" by combobox, it shows empty list.

Ext.define("Model", {
    extend: "",
    fields: [
        {name: "id", type: "int"},
        {name: ""},
        {name: "phone", mapping: ""},
        {name: "descr", type: "string", mapping:'description'}

// store with data that we will recieve from test echo ajax service
var Store = Ext.create("", {
    model: "Model",
    autoLoad: true,
    proxy: {
        type: 'ajax',
        url: '/echo/json/',
        actionMethods: {read: 'POST'}, // echo ajax service required
        extraParams: {
            json: Ext.JSON.encode({
                root: [{id: 1, name: {name:"John", phone: "123"}, description:"Fapfapfap"},
                       {id: 2, name: {name:"Danny", phone: "234"}, description:"Boobooboo"},
                       {id: 3, name: {name:"Tom", phone: "345"}, description:"Tralala"},
                       {id: 4, name: {name:"Jane", phone: "456"}, description:"Ololo"},]
        reader: {
            type: 'json',
            root: 'root'

// and finally I have a grid panel
Ext.create("Ext.grid.Panel", {
    store: Store,
    columns: [
        {dataIndex: "id", header:"ID"},
        {dataIndex: "", header:"Name", flex: 1, editor: {xtype:"combo", store: Store, displayField:''}},
        {dataIndex: "phone", header:"Phone", flex: 1, editor: "textfield"},
        {dataIndex: "descr", header: "Description", flex: 2, editor: "htmleditor"}
    //selType: 'rowmodel',
    plugins: [Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing')],
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),

Example here:


  • It works as intended if I set field 'name' mapping as below.

    {name: "name", mapping: ""}

    And configure the grid column like this:

    {dataIndex: "name", header:"Name", flex: 1, 
     editor: {xtype:"combo", store: Store, displayField:'name'}},

    Changed example is here:

    But I don't want to change the name of field '' to 'name' because it works as intended for grid.

    Has anyone encountered a similar problem?


    I have found one solution. Not the best but it works for me.

    I add new field with mapping configuration dynamically to store model when combo is init as component.

    Ext.define("MyCombo", {
        extend: "Ext.form.field.ComboBox",
        initComponent: function(){
            var me = this;
            if (me.displayMapping) {
                var store = me.getStore();
                var proxy = store.getProxy();
                var model = proxy.getModel();
                me.displayField =; // It is necessary to have difference between the name and other existing names in model.
                // Add new field with mapping to store model
                model.prototype.fields.add(new{ name: me.displayField,
                                                                mapping: me.displayMapping}));
    Ext.create("Ext.grid.Panel", {
        store: Ext.create("MyStore"),
        columns: [
            {dataIndex: "id", header:"ID"},
            {dataIndex: "", header:"Name", flex: 1, 
                        editor: {xtype: "mycombo",
                                 store: Ext.create("MyStore"),         
                                 displayMapping: ""}},
            {dataIndex: "phone", header:"Phone", flex: 1, editor: "textfield"},
            {dataIndex: "descr", header: "Description", flex: 2, editor: "htmleditor"}
        plugins: [Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing')],
        renderTo: Ext.getBody(),

    Changed example you can find here:

    Does anyone know better solution?