I have a nested resource defined in routes.db:
resources :accounts do
resources :transactions do
I would like to create a route that is similar to 'new', but the action would be new_transfer, which would allow me to handle a special type of new transaction:
new_account_transaction GET /accounts/:account_id/transactions/new(.:format) transactions#new
I tried to define the resource including a method definition:
resources :accounts do
resources :transactions
member do
get 'new_transfer'
resources :accounts do
resources :transactions do
member do
get 'new_transfer'
but I get:
new_transfer_account GET /accounts/:id/new_transfer(.:format) accounts#new_transfer
new_transfer_account_transaction GET /accounts/:account_id/transactions/:id/new_transfer(.:format) transactions#new_transfer
The second one is close, but I think it really should be transactions/new_transfer. If this is the best I can do, I then could not find the path that would satisfy to create a new link.
Any help would be appreciated.
Also tried adding a specific match. What would be the link_to for this route?
match '/accounts/:account_id/transactions/new_transfer', to: 'transactions#new_transfer'
/accounts/:account_id/transactions/new_transfer(.:format) transactions#new_transfer
Have you tried the match method for the routes?
Their example on Rails Guides:
match "/patients/:id" => "patients#show"
Hope this helps!