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How can I get a list of all the com+ components of a com+ application?

I am trying to work with COM+ using c# and ASP.NET. I have been following an example, however part of it fails.

dynamic oCatalog = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("ComAdmin.COMAdminCatalog"));
/* Get the Applications collection and populate it */
dynamic applicationInstances = oCatalog.GetCollection("Applications");
foreach (dynamic applicationInstance in applicationInstances)
        Response.Write("<p>" + applicationInstance.Name.ToString() + "-" + applicationInstance.Key.ToString() + "</p>");
        dynamic objComponents = oCatalog.GetCollection("Components", applicationInstance.Key);
        foreach(dynamic Components in objComponents)
            Response.Write("<p>" + Components.Name.ToString() + "</p>");

When the above call oCatalog.GetCollection("Components", applicationInstance.Key) is called I get the error:

System.Reflection.TargetParameterCountException: Error while invoking GetCollection.

How can I get a list of the current components in an application instance?


  • You need to ask the "applications" collection for the components for an specific application:

    ICOMAdminCatalog2 oCatalog = (ICOMAdminCatalog2) Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("ComAdmin.COMAdminCatalog"));
    ICatalogCollection applications = oCatalog.GetCollection("Applications");
    foreach (ICatalogObject applicationInstance in applications)
        ICatalogCollection comps = applications.GetCollection("Components", applicationInstance.Key);
        foreach (ICatalogObject comp in comps)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", comp.Name, comp.Key);

    for an example check here: