Using Jetbrains 11.2 project based on a Maven project. Then I required to move to 1.7. I have 1.7 installed , I updated my pom.xml and I can rebuild the whole package using maven okay.
I've modified every setting I can see in Intelli Projects settings regarding Java version
but I cannot get it to compile a file it complains:
Error:javac target release of 1.6 conflicts with source release 1.7
I then tried on my other dev machine using the same codebase but a different Intellij Project and on this I get a similar error:
Error:javac: source release 1.7 requires target release 1.7
I cannot see anything else to change in order to get this working.
Doh, found it
File/Settings/Java Compiler/Additional command line parameters
changed from -target 1.6 to -target 1.7
Does seem wierd for it to be here though, disconnected from the rest of the related options.