Search code examples

Unclosed GSP expression: Grails GSP engine does not resolve nested GSP expression

I need to create a custom gsp whose domain model is designed as follows

class Question {

    SortedSet<Choice> choiceCollection;

    static hasMany = [choiceCollection:Choice]
    static mappping = {


Each Question object has five Choices. So, i create the following snippet of code


<g:each var="i" in="${(1..5)}">
    <div class="fieldcontain  required">
    <label for="description">
            Option ${i}.
            <span class="required-indicator">*</span>
        <g:textArea name="choiceCollection[${i}].description" cols="40" rows="5" maxlength="2000" value="${questionInstance?.choiceCollection[${i}]?.description}"/>

Although Grails GSP engine complains Unclosed GSP expression which is not true - g:textArea is closed as you can see above -, i believe the real problem is the expression


which involves nested GSP expressions.

Question: am i missing some feature ? If so, what should i do to overcome my obstacle ?

Grails version: 2.1.1


  • Shouldn't



    ${questionInstance?.choiceCollection[ i ]?.description}

    The set bit:

    Try something like:

    <g:each var="choice" status="i" in="${questionInstance?.choiceCollection}">

    So i still contains your index, but choice contains what you were trying to get with questionInstance?.choiceCollection[${i}]