A good hello to you fellow Stackoverflow people.
I am stuck with a small dilemma here.
At my work we used to work with UltraEdit projects but we want to migrate to using Eclipse CDT. (Not using its compiler/build options, we need an external SDK for this).
On the harddisk we have a specific folder structure to keep things seperate between two teams. Namely the 'productcode' + 'applicationcode'-group and the 'drivercode'-group. Both groups have their own folder where they place sourcecode in.
The filenames are given a specific prefix, denoting to which 'layer' they belong.
All of these files (except for application which is only allowed in the application folder) can be in the product or drivercode folder. In UltraEdit all of these files are grouped under their respective layer. So our project has the following folders:
The virtual folder '0 Operating System' holds all os_xxx files from the real folders 'drivercode/productcode' And the same goes for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Is it possible to get the same (virtual) folder structure within Eclipse CDT?
To make things more complex, this whole folder structure is devided in 3 projects. E.G. proj-1, proj-2, proj-3 and there is also a shared folder that holds code that is shared among projects.
I have found one way, but it is quite cumbersome.
I can create the structure I want using Linked Resource Folder and files.
However this means I need to go through all dialog's per folder/file in order to add them to the list. I hope there is an other way though. So I'll not accept my own answer as of yet.