In Eclipse, I got this error:
[java] Error creating the server socket.
[java] Oct 04, 2012 5:31:38 PM cascadas.ace.AceFactory bootstrap
[java] SEVERE: Failed to create world : Address already in use: JVM_Bind
[java] Java Result: -1
Total time: 10 seconds
I'm not sure why it came up now, but it ran fine just a few hours ago. Do I need to restart my machine? How do i get to the bottom of it? I appreciate any tips or advice.
Yes you have another process bound to the same port.
TCPView (Windows only) from Windows Sysinternals is my favorite app whenever I have a JVM_BIND error. It shows which processes are listening on which port. It also provides a convenient context menu to either kill the process or close the connection that is getting in the way.