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Extracting data from a DateTime object

I'm working on a method that can tell me if a certain date is within a certain period of dates. My method will have an argument of two DateTime objects; a start date and end date, and will be called by a DateTime object as well.

To play around with it, I've been trying to figure out how to extract the year, month, day , time, from a DateTime object that is being compared to. However I can't figure out how to get it going. I checked the API for DateTime, and the method it has to perform the function I want is monthOfYear().

But when I implement it, it outputs "Property[monthOfYear]".

The API places the method under DateTime.Property but I played around with that too and I'm not getting anywhere.

import org.joda.time.DateTime;

   public class Tester implements TesterInterface {

       public static void main(String[] args) {

           DateTime dateTime1 = new DateTime(2012, 5, 12, 13, 30);




  • Call getMonthOfYear().

    As documented:

    Each individual field can be queried in two ways:

    • getHourOfDay()
    • hourOfDay().get()