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How to AES CBC encrypt using pidCrypt, then decrypt with phpseclib?

I need to encrypt a short string using Javascript (pidCrypt AES CBC) then decrypt it using PHP (phpseclib Crypt_AES CBC).

There are so many incompatibilities between various libraries (tried many of them, some I couldn't even start to use because of lack of documentation) that I am way over my head trying to understand and overcome them (the current "standards" just don't cover debugging, and gibberish or simply a false will be returned with incorrect usage).

pidCrypt AES CBC says it is using OpenSSL compatible encoding.

So far, I can't understand why the output from pidCrypt won't be decrypted in phpseclib:


var aes=new pidCrypt.AES.CBC();
aes.encryptText("abcdefg", "secret", {nBits: 128});

A0_PAD: true
UTF8: true
blockSize: 16
clear: true
dataIn: "abcdefg"
dataOut: "U2FsdGVkX19p8dJctoZSgamat+UBHMWM/Zx64fBDYJY="
decryptIn: ""
decryptOut: ""
encryptIn: Array[16]
encryptOut: "©·åÅýzáðC`"
iv: "e314f8ebbcc5a1e0ae6c27033dd6725f"
key: "49f9bd99b7952b68b3bfa47404455fa7"
nBits: 128
salt: "69f1d25cb6865281"


function hex2raw($strHexString)
    $arrChunks=str_split($strHexString, 2);
    for($i=0; $i<count($arrChunks); $i++)
    return $strRawBytes;


$aes=new Crypt_AES(CRYPT_AES_MODE_CBC);



I have also tried the phpseclib AES CBC mode "Key Derivation: None" example (setKey and setIV instead of setPassword), with the same results.

How can I get phpseclib to decode the above pidCrypt AES CBC output?


Are there alternatives to phpseclib which can decrypt the above pidCrypt output (which have a code API; OpenSSL usage examples not allowed)?

Please, no lectures on Javascript security and network security. This is not meant to protect against internet/network sniffing.


  • Found a solution in a comment on for decrypting using OpenSSL, removed the OpenSSL part and replaced it with phpseclib (which in turn uses php's mcrypt, or its own software only implementation).

    //Used the password: "password".
    var_export(pidCryptAESCBCDecrypt("U2FsdGVkX18KqDRV4bSqJCauxP7004rQmPu3HD1FUrgbXEGpjJAKAfgYvxtWJ6iJ", "password"));
    //Outputs: "Some text to encrypt..."
    function pidCryptAESCBCDecrypt($strBase64OpenSSLCompatibleCipher, $strPassword)
        $salt=substr($data, 8, 8);
        $ct=substr($data, 16);
        * From
        * Number of rounds depends on the size of the AES in use
        * 3 rounds for 256
        *        2 rounds for the key, 1 for the IV
        * 2 rounds for 128
        *        1 round for the key, 1 round for the IV
        * 3 rounds for 192 since it's not evenly divided by 128 bits
        $rounds = 3;
        $data00 = $strPassword.$salt;
        $md5_hash = array();
        $md5_hash[0] = md5($data00, true);
        $result = $md5_hash[0];
        for ($i = 1; $i < $rounds; $i++) {
        $md5_hash[$i] = md5($md5_hash[$i - 1].$data00, true);
        $result .= $md5_hash[$i];
        $key = substr($result, 0, 32);
        $iv  = substr($result, 32,16);
        $aes=new Crypt_AES(CRYPT_AES_MODE_CBC);
        echo $aes->decrypt($ct);

    Update: Even simpler (can't believe I didn't see it), send to phpseclib pidCryptUtil.encodeBase64(aes.pidcrypt.getParams().encryptOut), aes.pidcrypt.getParams().iv and aes.pidcrypt.getParams().key.