I am using Restlet version 2.0.15
I am implementing a service that generates a potentially large zip file on the fly to be downloaded by a ReST client. In generating this file, an error may occur, and when it does I would like to give a meaningful error response to the client.
My setup includes:
In the main, an instance of Application is constructed, and the Component.setStatusService(StatusService) and
Application.setStatusSevice(StatusService) are invoked with MyStatusService (Extends StatusService)
and, and MyStatusService overrides:
public Representation getRepresentation(Status status, Request request, Response response) {
public Status getStatus(Throwable throwable, Request request, Response response) {
public Status getStatus(Throwable throwable, UniformResource resource) {
When I handle the GET request from the client, I set the entity in the response
(Response.setEntity(Representation) with MyRepresentation which extends OutputRepresentation.
The MyRepresentation class overrides the method:
public void write(WritableByteChannel writableChannel)
which calls the overridden method:
public void write(OutputStream outputStream)
which does the work of generating the zip file.
When I run it, the following happens:
ServerCall.sendResponse(Response) calls -->
ServerCall.writeResponseBody(Representation, WritableChannel, OutputStream) --> calls
MyRepresentation(extends OutputRepresentation).write(OutputStream)
which finds a problem (as expected) with the (intentionally bad for testing reasons) request, and wants to give the client a meaningful response. So it throws an exception (should it be a ResourceException, or any exception?), which is caught in
but after this point, no call is made to any method in MyStatusService, so the client does not get a meaningful message, only a 500 status.
Is there a way to control the status (and ideally give an informative message) to the client?
Thanks for any info,
This is actually a bug in Restlet. The issue is logged at: