i have an Xtragrid, where iam using a Layoutview. In my card i got two Groups with some content in it (no grouprow!). Is it possible to fire an click event, if the user click on the groupcaption?
It is a normal group! For Example select 3 textedits and then rightclick->group in the designer. The same you can do inside your cards of a layoutview.
You can use the View's MouseDown event handler and use HitTests to see if it's a Layout Item, then test the layout item to see if it's a group and check it's Border Info to get the caption bounds.
LayoutView View = (sender as LayoutView);
var hi = View.CalcHitInfo(e.Location);
if (hi.HitTest == LayoutViewHitTest.LayoutItem && hi.LayoutItem is DevExpress.XtraLayout.LayoutControlGroup)
var Border = (hi.LayoutItem.ViewInfo.BorderInfo as DevExpress.Utils.Drawing.GroupObjectInfoArgs);
if (Border.CaptionBounds.Contains(e.Location))
MessageBox.Show("Hit Group: " + Border.Caption);