I've got a Logitech Attack 3 (Standard Joystick) plugged into my computer and have confirmed that it is working. Now given that, I need a way via C# (only C#) to read the axis (and buttons would be nice too) values from the joystick. I have seen many examples which use DirectX, but are from 8 years ago and no longer work with .NET 4.5...Hence, I need a .NET 4.5 solution that works on Visual Studio 2012. I have done extensive research on this and cannot find a way to get simple coordinates from a joystick. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
I have tried to use SlimDx, but have no idea what code to write. Also, this: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/directx/joystick.aspx <-- this is from 2006, and no longer works with .NET 4.5 for some reason.
Those examples you've looked at should still be fairly correct. What has changed is the directX version and I think you should have a look at directX11 to use in your project.