I am trying to add a column to a JTable
with the following behaviour (similar to Windows Explorer and similar shells):
Double-clicking must not trigger editing of the cell, but I would like to leave any other default editing triggers operational if possible.
I have tried adding a MouseListener
to the table, and consuming all MouseEvent
s, but this does not work - if I return true
from isCellEditable()
then my listener never receives any click events but if I return false
then F2 no longer works.
Can this be achieved using only event listeners? I would prefer not to mess with the PLAF functions if I can avoid it.
You will have to make your own cellEditor and ovveride
public boolean isCellEditable( EventObject e )
You can distinguish between single and double click with the clickCount on the eventObject
If its a single Click and its on a selected cell you can return true otherwise return false;
retrieve row and column with
int row = ( (JTable) e.getSource() ).rowAtPoint(e.getPoint());
int column = ( (JTable) e.getSource() ).columnAtPoint(e.getPoint());
to enable F2 you can add custom inputMap en actionMap entries
similar too
table.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("DOWN"), "doMyArrowDown");
table.getTable().getActionMap().put("doMyArrowDown", new ArrowDownAction());
and from your action you can then fire the cellediting yourself
table.editCellAt(row, column );