I'm trying out Visual Studio 2012 and so far it's good but I created database project, added database *.mdf file to my App_Data and tried to create simple database with relations and I have no clue what to do next. I can't even name my database.
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh272680(v=vs.103).aspx - AFAIK this article shows how to add relations but I can't find any Foreign Keys
node. And also, why can't I edit name? VS2010 database management was so easy and intuitive, now I don't understand how to work with it.
More visual representation of my question and my simple table for example.
Table name you can change in Properties
relations by right clicking on Foreign Keys
You can also modify sql in lower pane - all changes will be reflected in graphical tools. I'm find this useful e.g. when I want to copy some columns from one table to another.
You can also make changes on database with another tools, like SSMS (better FK tools I think) and then import this changes via Schema Compare
by setting database as source and project as destination.