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How to display a link to my latest Tumblr post using Javascript?
Is there a way for me to link to my latest post on tumblr, bearing in mind the URL will change everytime I create a new post? I've checked the API and I'm having a hard time trying to code a link. Any help would be appreciated!
just read your tumblr rss feed (ie. with php) and use the link of the first item. ie. the url for the tumblr rss feed of "nationalpost" looks like this:
also the xml api offerts the url for you latest post
and also available as json, so you can do it with javascript
with jQuery it could look like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$.getJSON('http://nationalpost.tumblr.com/api/read/json?callback=?', function(result) {
$('#link').html('<a href="'+ result.posts[0].url +'">Latest Post</a>');
and here's the working example on jsfiddle