I've been tinkering with this sample trying to determine if restlet will work with Google app engine to meet my needs. It seems fairly straight forward so far but I've been stuck on something for a couple of hours now and would appreciate some help...
Client code
ClientResource cr = new ClientResource("my_gae_url");
ContactResource resource = cr.wrap(ContactResource.class);
This returns a null
Contact contact = resource.retrieve()
but this returns the expected json string
String s = cr.get(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).getText();
It won't return the object but it will return the json. I don't know if I'm missing a jar or I haven't implemented something or what
I'm using Google Plugin 3.7 and app engine 1.7.2
I'm using restlet app engine edition 2.0.15
The server includes the following jars org.restlet.jar, org.restlet.ext.gwt.jar,
org.restlet.ext.servlet.jar, org.restlet.ext.jackson.jar,
org.codehaus.jackson.core.jar, org.codehaus.jackson.mapper.jar
If it matters the client i'm using to test things out is jsf with the following jars included
org.restlet.jar, org.restlet.ext.net.jar
You need to add Jackson extension on the client side as well