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Actionbarsherlock+android-support-v4-r6-googlemaps+sliding menu

I'm trying to combine Jeremy Feinstein's sliding menu lib with actionbarshelock. Problem is - in order to present a map within a fragment i used android-support-v4-r6-googlemaps which causing me a lot of problems. the sliding lib has a dependency to a actionbarshelock lib where android-support-v4.jar is replaced with android-support-v4-r6-googlemaps in order to show the map within a fragment (as explained here:

Adding the sliding lib to my project throws this error: Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1, which i found related to similar jar files. I guess it has to do something with the jar i modified and the v13 one as shown in the following pic: I can't seem to find how to delete the redundant jar. Help anyone?

thanks in regard,


  • ActionBarSherlock comes with the jar for the support package and this other library properly does as well. You could try to combine the libraries in order for them to work together. You have the source for both so it shouldn't be too hard.