I am using ActiveJDBC to access a third-party db. There is a column named "users/year". I am not happy with that but cannot change it. This results is an attribute "users/year" in the json thats the basis for my backbone.js model. Now if I want to access that attribute in the following template:
<li><%= name+ ' ' + users/year %></li>
Of course it doesn't work. I tried escaping but that doesn't work. Any suggestions?
Since I am new to activeJDBC and backbone.js is there a way off mapping the attribute to a acceptable variable name? Or other possible solutions for that? Should I switch from activeJDBC to something else?
You could add a parse method to your collection or model to remap your attribute to a usable name:
var M = Backbone.Model.extend({
parse: function(resp) {
if (resp['users/year']) {
resp['users_year'] = resp['users/year'];
delete resp['users/year'];
return resp;
and change your template accordingly
<li><%= name+ ' ' + users_year %></li>
A Fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/nikoshr/rnKSD/