I have a (large) string file in my application which contains a series of random character [a-Z] and [0-9] but also ";","/", "?", ":" and "@". I would like my application to tell me the nearest position where 6 digits are displayed consecutively ( like "105487" or "558463").
What would be the best way to achieve this? Thank you for looking into this.
An effective approach would be to iterate the characters of the string and test if each is a digit. Upon finding a match continue to look for the rest of the sequence. Something like
int nDigits=0, i = 0;
CharacterIterator it = new StringCharacterIterator("very long string123456");
for (char ch=it.first(); ch != CharacterIterator.DONE; ch=it.next()) {
nDigits = (ch.isDigit() ? nDigits++ : 0);
if (nDigits == 5) {
// DONE. Position is "i"