If I have the following JSON object, how can I access the survey.id
(e.g 1) using JavaScript? I'm using Backbone / json.stringify / object.parse
"class": "org.example.UserBooking",
"id": 1,
"booking": {
"class": "Booking",
"id": 1
"profile": {
"class": "Profile",
"id": 3
"survey": {
"class": "Survey",
"id": 1
"tslot": {
"class": "TimeSlot",
"id": 5
I can't figure out how to access this "survey" id as its cascaded in. If I wanted to access the "id" for example i do:
var obj = $.parseJSON(JSON.stringify(userbooking));
thanks for your response. When i try the following line:
var obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(userbooking)); alert(obj.Survey.id);
i get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined –
Try accessing the id inside survey like this
The json data in the current context is enclosed like this
[ { } ]..
So it's a array of objects , because it's the First object we are trying to access..
It should be obj[0]. and not just obj.