I am using Erik Vold's toolbar button. I have a panel anchored to it. When one of the links is clicked on the html static page rendered in the panel, I need to display something else in the same panel.
I am trying to use port API for message passing between addon-code and the html static page. On listening a certain event, I want to change the contentURL field of the panel:
var myScript = "window.addEventListener('click', function(event) {" +
" var t = event.target;" +
" if (t.nodeName == 'A')" +
" self.port.emit('click-link', t.id);" +
"}, false);"
var mainPanel = require("panel").Panel({
width: 200,
height: 200,
contentURL: require("self").data.url("appList.html"),
contentScript: myScript
mainPanel.port.on("click-link", function(appName) {
//mainPanel.resize(700,500); --works
mainPanel.contentURL="http://www.some-server/app1.html"; --fails
mainPanel.resize() works fine for resizing the panel. Is there a similar way to change contentURL for a Panel?
That code should work, you found a bug in the panel module. yay!
I filed bug 795490 for you and there's a pull request with a fix that might take a little time to land but a fix should be coming.