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Joomla 2.5 Get User Data from External Script

I need to get the information of the user that's currently logged in to Joomla from a program outside of Joomla itself. I upgraded from 1.5 to 2.5, and what I had before doesn't work anymore.


define( '_VALID_MOS', 1 );

include_once( 'globals.php' );
require_once( 'configuration.php' );
require_once( 'includes/joomla.php' );
$mainframe = new mosMainFrame( $database, $option, '.' );

$my = $mainframe->getUser();
$joomla_name = $my->name;
$joomla_email = $my->email;
$joomla_password = $my->password;

After some research, I've come up with this:

define( '_JEXEC', 1 );
define( 'JPATH_BASE', dirname(__FILE__) );
define( 'DS', '/' );

require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'configuration.php' );
require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'includes'.DS.'defines.php' );
require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'includes'.DS.'framework.php' );
require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'libraries'.DS.'joomla'.DS.'factory.php' );

$my =& JFactory::getUser();
$joomla_name = $my->name;
$joomla_email = $my->email;
$joomla_password = $my->password;
$joomla_username = $my->username;

It doesn't produce any errors but seems to work. However, the user object is empty. This script is in the same directory as the Joomla installation. What may be the problem? Thanks!



  • Taken from

    Solution: Replace session_start(); in your external script with

    define( '_JEXEC', 1 );
    define( 'JPATH_BASE', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../..' ));
    define( 'DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR );
    require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'includes'.DS.'defines.php' );
    require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'includes'.DS.'framework.php' );
    $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication('site');

    Be sure to change JPATH_BASE to suit your directory structure.

    Replace the $_SESSION[ 'name' ] = "value"; in your external script with

    $session =& JFactory::getSession();
    $session->set('name', "value");
    Now you can retrieve this session variable using:
    $session =& JFactory::getSession();
    echo $session->get('name');