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Hide GridView Column using linq

I am trying to hide my gridview columns on RowDataBound event. At the moment, I am doing :

e.Row.Cells[4].Visible = false;

The problem with this approach is that whenever I change the order of the column in grid veiw, I also have to change the index here.

Also, there is another approach :

foreach (TableCell col in e.Row.Cells)
            if (col.Text == "Name")
                col.Visible = false;

I was told by someone that it is possible using the LINQ.

Something like:

             .Where(c => c.Text == "name")).Visible = false;

So far, I am unable to do so. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong here?


  • How about

               .Where(c => c.Text == "name")
               .ForEach(col => col.Visible = false);