I downloaded the ActionBarSherlock version, and added a the Android Project library into Eclipse 4.2 on my Win7 java 1.6 update 24 machine. I used an Eclipse Project Build Target of Android 4.1 in Project | Properties | Project Build Target. I want to incorporate the ActionBar functionality into an existing app that has minSdkVersion="7". I noted the code from the ActionBarSherlock library appears to have some deprecated methods, and an error:
Example 1: ActionBarContainer.java, ActionBarContextView.java, ScrollingTabContainerView.java - uses setBackgroundDrawable - The method setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable) from the type View is deprecated
public ActionBarContainer(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,
mBackground = a.getDrawable(R.styleable.SherlockActionBar_background);
mStackedBackground = a.getDrawable(
if (getId() == R.id.abs__split_action_bar) {
mIsSplit = true;
mSplitBackground = a.getDrawable(
setWillNotDraw(mIsSplit ? mSplitBackground == null :
mBackground == null && mStackedBackground == null);
Quick fix shows as Add @SupressWarnings 'deprecation' for ActionBarContainer
Example 2: IcsProgressBar.java uses animationResolution which shows as deprecated, same quick fix as above
private static final int[] ProgressBar = new int[] {
Also, I have an error in ActivityChooserView.java:
private static class SetActivated {
public static void invoke(View view, boolean activated) {
Error is on SetActivated - Call requires API 11 (current min is 7). This makes sense based on the manifest:
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="7" android:targetSdkVersion="15"/>
Shouldn't API 7 be fine, since Action Bar Sherlock should work at at Andriod 2.x? Have others experienced this, and if so, what is the recommended action? Supress/ignore the deprecation? What about the error on SetActivated? I reviewed the readme and did some net searches but did not come up with anything on this. Thanks for any suggestions.
It is just fine. The code is 2.x compatible and even some methods are deprecated as of 4.x, they are still there. It also do not mean on 4.x these deprecated methods will be used. The source is 2.x-4.x so there's no other way (not to mention reflection, but that'd hurt performance, and is for now not necessary). So it is safe to just ignore this. It would probably be better to turn depreciation off for certain files but it is not there. So do not worry.