Hello Im writing some KML and when and I create the multigeomtry in the order
PlaceMark A PlaceMark B
I cant select PlMark A beceause B is bigger, but when I have
PlaceMark B PlaceMark A
Yes, because I think A is smaller and it was the last in be grapicated, my question is I cant have the Placemarks In order,there are any option in Kml to made selectable all the elements.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0">
<StyleMap id="StyF1"><Pair><key>normal</key><Style><IconStyle><Icon></Icon></IconStyle><PolyStyle><color>7d0000ff</color></PolyStyle></Style></Pair><Pair><key>highlight</key><Style><IconStyle><Icon></Icon></IconStyle><PolyStyle><color>7aFFFF8C</color></PolyStyle></Style></Pair></StyleMap>
<StyleMap id="StyU1"><Pair><key>normal</key><Style><IconStyle><Icon></Icon></IconStyle><PolyStyle><color>7d0000ff</color></PolyStyle></Style></Pair><Pair><key>highlight</key><Style><IconStyle><Icon></Icon></IconStyle><PolyStyle><color>7aFFFF8C</color></PolyStyle></Style></Pair></StyleMap>
If you want to order one line or polygon over another you can use the <gx:drawOrder> element.
Features with higher <gx:drawOrder> values are drawn on top of those with lower values so for example if you use a drawOrder of 2 for A and 1 for B then A is drawn on top of B. In other words, the features with lower drawOrder values are drawn first.
Don't forget to add the xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2" declaration to the kml tag and note that the documentation says it only applies to LineStrings but it also applies to Polygons and LinearRings.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2"> ... <Placemark> <name>A</name> <MultiGeometry> <Point> <coordinates>-0.18806,39.78366</coordinates> </Point> <Polygon> <gx:drawOrder>2</gx:drawOrder> ... </Polygon> </MultiGeometry> </Placemark> <Placemark> <name>B</name> <MultiGeometry> <Point> <coordinates>-0.18806,39.78501</coordinates> </Point> <Polygon> <gx:drawOrder>1</gx:drawOrder> ... </Polygon> </MultiGeometry> </Placemark>
Reference: https://developers.google.com/kml/documentation/kmlreference#gxdraworder