I am trying to find out what drive a database is on, on the server. To further elaborate, there is a sever "MyServer" and three databases on that server. Databases A and B are on the "C:\" Drive of that server and database C is on the "D:\" Drive. I want to know how I can use the connection string to try and get the drive letter so that when a user selects a database from an application it tells them what drive that database is on.
Currently I am trying the following means and not getting the correct response:
Private void GetDriveLetter()
string connectionString = String.Format(DatabaseInfo.CONNECTIONSTRING_TEMPLATE, dbName, server)
using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
Server srv = new Server(new ServerConnection(cn));
Database database = new Database(srv, dbName);
txtDriveLetter.Text = database.PrimaryFilePath;
catch (Exception ex)
myException = ex.Message
DatabaseInfo is just a class we use for reading SQL Servers and database names, and myException is a function that writes exceptions to a log file. The issue I am having is that no matter what I do I get an exception that says PrimaryFilePath is never set. Am I doing something wrong/missing something, or is this just not the correct way to go about this?
EDIT: Sorry never posted the exception To accomplish this action, set property PrimaryFilePath.
You could always run a query against your sys
catalog views inside SQL Server:
SELECT * FROM sys.master_files
This will list your database, it's id
, its logical name, and the location of the file on disk.