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Performing an HTTP PATCH using Ruby curb

I'm trying to do an HTTP PATCH using curb. Looking through the code, there doesn't seem to be a method exposed for this. Is there any way to use curb to do a PATCH? If not, what other libraries or methods are there in Ruby to accomplish this?


  • With curb latest version (v0.8.1) PATCH is supported even though it is not explicitly available within the Curl::Easy interface (see lib/curl/easy.rb).

    You can find a shortcut method here:

    # see lib/curl.rb
    module Curl
      # ...
      def self.patch(url, params={}, &block)
        http :PATCH, url, postalize(params), nil, &block
      # ...

    With it you can perform a PATCH request as follow:

    curl = Curl.patch("", {:foo => "bar"})

    Under the hood, the PATCH verb is simply passed to the easy interface as follow:

    curl =
    # `http` is a method implemented within the C extensions of curb
    # see `ruby_curl_easy_perform_verb_str`. It allows to set the HTTP
    # verb by calling `curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, verb)`
    # and perform the request right after