I've got a split footer I made via How can I split a footer/header into multiple cells in Cognos?, but I need one of the split cells to be a Data Container.
Here's the footer/list items:
I actually want Location Count in the right column and a Text item in the left column as a label.
When trying to drag a query item into the right footer cell, I get this error: "This object can only be inserted into a data container"
Here's the properties list of the left item and right item respectively:
How can I turn this footer cell into a Data Container or otherwise allow me to set those "Text Source" properties to allow it to accept a data item from a query?
This can be easily done, after you press the unlcok button on the toolbar.
From locked state:
To unlock state:
Now, you can easily drag items from cell to another and drag query items into the cells.