Search code examples

Can't get user from Directoryentry

I am getting crazy here, I'd really appreciate some help! simply I want to get user name or anything from Active Directory using DirectoryEntry class.

I used userprinciple and it works great, but the property I need to get (user's manager) is only avaliable in DirectoryEntry.

My problem is, I looked so much online and I got the codes from there, but for some reason it never works, always return Null. here is an example :

public static DirectoryEntry GetUser(string UserName)
    //create an instance of the DirectoryEntry
    DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + "OU=AnotherOU,OU=xx,OU=Testvironments,DC=abc,DC=local");

    //create instance fo the direcory searcher
    DirectorySearcher deSearch = new DirectorySearcher(de);

    deSearch.SearchRoot = de;
    //set the search filter
    deSearch.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=user)(cn=" + UserName + "))";
    //deSearch.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree;

    //find the first instance
    SearchResult results = deSearch.FindOne();

    //if found then return, otherwise return Null
    if (results != null)
        //de= new DirectoryEntry(results.Path,ADAdminUser,ADAdminPassword,AuthenticationTypes.Secure);
        //if so then return the DirectoryEntry object
        return results.GetDirectoryEntry();
        return null;

I have no clue why this code returns null.

Thanks in advance.


  • You can try like this

    //create instance for directory entry
    DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + "OU=AnotherOU,OU=xx,OU=Testvironments,DC=abc,DC=local");
    //create instance fo the directory searcher
    DirectorySearcher deSearch = new DirectorySearcher(de );;
    //set the search filter
    deSearch.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(|(SAMAccountName=" + UserName+ ")(givenName=" + UserName+ ")(name=" + UserName+ ")(SN=" + UserName+ "))";
    //find the first instance
    SearchResult results = deSearch.FindOne();
    //if found then return, otherwise return Null
    if (results != null)
        //The desired property you want , you can extract in this way.
       DomainName = results .Properties["SamAccountName"][0].ToString();
       return domainName
        return null;

    Hope this is what you are looking for.