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JSF List<Class> on submit the list is null

Ok, the title is not very good, but I could not find a better one...

In java

I have a Typed Class with some properties and a List of another Type...

In HTML I have a table where each line is an element of the list above, I can successfully get the properties of each rows, but when I submit the form the List is empty/null

Here's my code:


package rip;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

public class Testata {
    private String codice = "asd"; // set up for test
    private String descrizione = "descrizione"; // set up for test
    private Date data_inizio = new Date(); // set up for test
    private Date data_fine = new Date(); // set up for teset

    private List<Righe> righe;

    public Testata()
    {  // set up righe for test
            righe = new ArrayList<Righe>();
            righe.add(new Righe("001", "descrizione riga 1", "G", true));
            righe.add(new Righe("002", "descrizione riga 2", "G", false));
            righe.add(new Righe("003", "descrizione riga 3", "P", false));

       // base setter/getter
     public List<Righe> getRighe() {
        return (righe);
    public void setRighe(List<Righe> righe) {
        System.out.println("Set Righe"); // used for debug, in my tests 
                                             // it was never printed
        this.righe = righe;

    public String validateSecond()
        if (righe != null)
            for (int i = 0 ; i < righe.size() ; i++)
            System.out.println("Righe is null"); // usually submitting the 
                                        // form I got this message in console
        return null;


public class Righe {

    private String codice;
    private String descrizione;
    private String tipo;
    private Boolean YESNO;      

    private static String [] codiceLists = {"001","002","003","004","005","006","007","008"};
    private static String [] descrizioneLists = {"desc 001","desc 002","desc 003","desc 004","desc 005","desc 06","desc 007","desc 008"};
    private static String [] tipoLists = {"P", "G"};

// getter / setter

    // getter for static lists

public String [] getCodiceLists() {
    return codiceLists;

public String [] getDescrizioneLists() {
    return descrizioneLists;


<h:form id="form_righe">                        
    <h:dataTable var="righe"  styleClass="table_dettaglio"
                    <f:facet name="header">Codice</f:facet>                                         
                    <rich:select id="codice" enableManualInput="false" value="#{righe.codice}">
                            <f:selectItems value="#{righe.codiceLists}" />
                            <a4j:ajax event="selectitem" render="@form" execute="@this"/>
                    <f:facet name="header">Descrizione</f:facet>                        
                    <rich:select enableManualInput="true"   id="descrizione"                        
                            <f:selectItems value="#{righe.descrizioneLists}" />
                    .mySelectStyle input{
                    width: 100px;
                    <f:facet name="header">Tipo</f:facet>                       
                    <rich:select enableManualInput="false"                                  
                    <f:selectItems value="#{righe.tipoLists}" />
                    <f:facet name="header">Valore</f:facet>
                    <h:inputText value="#{rige.valore}" style="width: 150px;"/>                     

                    <f:facet name="header">YesNo?</f:facet>
                    <h:selectOneRadio id="flag_medico" value="#{righe.flag_medico}" layout="pageDirection"                                  

      <h:commandButton class="button btn btn-warining btn-large" action="#{testata.validateSecond}"
                                       value="Salva" />
       <h:commandButton type="reset" class="button btn btn-warining btn-large" value="Pulisci"/>

Opening the page, I have all the rows correctly displayed and each field correctly valued.. After submit in the validateSecond method I got a null List<Righe> What am I missing?

Thank you


  • Try adding @ViewScoped or @SessionScoped (depend on your needs) to your managed bean , cause without that annotation the default will be @NoneScoped

    When working with datatables its more common to work with at least @ViewScoped

    take a look at this The benefits and pitfalls of @ViewScoped - BalusC