I made a gallery using jquery and css. I made function of changing image and it's resize upon "hover/unhover/click" so it will fit the output "div". It works prefect on Chrome, but FireFox mess this a bit. It applys the dimensions resize only after another "hover/unhover/click".
This is the HTML of the output div "Slides"
<div class="leftPart">
<div class="onFlyActualView">
<div class="Slides"><img src="ecchi/000-Girl.jpg" alt="#" /></div>
<div class="onFlyDescription"></div>
This is the minimized items:
<div class="rightPart">
<div class="onFlyMiniView">
<ul class="oFMVLines">
<ul class="oFMVItems">
<ul class="oFMVItems">
This is the CSS of ".Slides" class:
.Slides {
height: auto;
width: auto;
margin: 0px auto;
position: static;
vertical-align: middle;
.Slides img
border: 1px solid #0F0;
display: block;
position: static;
margin-top: 5px;
margin-right: auto;
margin-bottom: 5px;
margin-left: auto;
height: auto;
width: auto;
Here is the JQuery for resize (curH,curW are global variables):
function onFlyResize(iImage) {
var max_size = 590;
var divNum;
var h, w;
$(iImage).css({ height: 'auto', width: 'auto' });
//$(iImage).css({ height: '0', width: '0' });
$(iImage).each(function () {
curH = parseFloat($(this).attr('height'));
curW = parseFloat($(this).attr('width'));
console.log('w: ' + curW + '; h: ' + curH);
//$(this).css({ height: curH, width: curW });
if (curH > curW) {
//var h = max_size;
divNum = curH / max_size;
h = max_size;
w = Math.ceil(curW / divNum);
//alert("Height larger!");
} else {
divNum = curW / max_size;
h = Math.ceil(curH / divNum);
w = max_size;
var tempVar = 0;
tempVar = Math.ceil((max_size - curH) / 2);
//alert("Width larger!");
$(this).css({ height: h, width: w });
Here is the JQuery that calles it upon "hover/unhover/click":
function onFlyGalleryImplement()
var CurrImg = $(".Slides").find('img:first').attr('src');
var cur_li_cont = "0";
$(".oFMVItems li").hover(
function () {
$(this).css({ border: "solid 2px #06C", margin: "-1px 1px 0px 3px" }).show(400);
cur_li_cont = $(this).text();
var set_img_to = "ecchi/00" + cur_li_cont + "-Girl.jpg";
$(".Slides").find('img:first').attr({ src: set_img_to });
$(".Slides").find('img:first').attr("alt", $(".Slides").find('img:first').attr("src"));
$(".onFlyDescription").text("Height: " + $(".Slides img").attr('height') + " Width: " + $(".Slides img").attr('width') + ".");
onFlyResize($(".Slides img"));
function () {
$(this).css({ border: "solid 1px #333", margin: "0px 2px 0px 4px" });
$(".Slides").find('img:first').attr("src", CurrImg);
$(".onFlyDescription").text("Height: " + $(".Slides img").attr('height') + " Width: " + $(".Slides img").attr('width') + ".");
onFlyResize($(".Slides img"));
onFlyResize($(".Slides img"));
$(".oFMVItems li").click(function () {
cur_li_cont = $(this).text();
var set_img_to = "ecchi/00" + cur_li_cont + "-Girl.jpg";
$(".Slides").find('img:first').attr('src', set_img_to);
CurrImg = set_img_to;
$(".onFlyDescription").text("Height: " + $(".Slides img").attr('height') + " Width: " + $(".Slides img").attr('width') + ".");
onFlyResize($(".Slides img"));
onFlyResize($(".Slides img"));
$(window).load(function () {
onFlyResize($(".Slides img")); //A fix to start image resied for the output restrictions.
$("document").ready(function () {
onFlyGalleryPreloadModule(); //Function for images preload.
onFlyGalleryImplement(); // Function that runs all gallery core.
So that's it... Working on it already for almost 30 hours and can't find out what's the issue. If anybody knows why it happense so he will save me a hip of time.
p.s.: sry for bad enlish.
Instead of this:
$(this).css({ height: h, width: w });
Try this instead:
So your jQuery resize code will become:
function onFlyResize(iImage) {
var max_size = 590;
var divNum;
var h, w;
$(iImage).css({ height: 'auto', width: 'auto' });
//$(iImage).css({ height: '0', width: '0' });
$(iImage).each(function () {
curH = parseFloat($(this).attr('height'));
curW = parseFloat($(this).attr('width'));
console.log('w: ' + curW + '; h: ' + curH);
//$(this).css({ height: curH, width: curW });
if (curH > curW) {
//var h = max_size;
divNum = curH / max_size;
h = max_size;
w = Math.ceil(curW / divNum);
//alert("Height larger!");
} else {
divNum = curW / max_size;
h = Math.ceil(curH / divNum);
w = max_size;
var tempVar = 0;
tempVar = Math.ceil((max_size - curH) / 2);
//alert("Width larger!");
The reasons why $(this).css({height: h, width: w});
won't work are:
Tell me if it still doesn't work.