I am using the OWASP Html Sanitizer to prevent XSS attacks on my web app. For many fields that should be plain text the Sanitizer is doing more than I expect.
For example:
HtmlPolicyBuilder htmlPolicyBuilder = new HtmlPolicyBuilder();
stripAllTagsPolicy = htmlPolicyBuilder.toFactory();
stripAllTagsPolicy.sanitize('a+b'); // return a+b
stripAllTagsPolicy.sanitize('foo@example.com'); // return foo@example.com
When I have fields such as email address that have a +
in it such as foo+bar@gmail.com
I end up with the wrong data in the the database. So two questions:
+ - @
dangerous on their own do they really need to be encoded? Question 2 is the more important one for me to get an answer to.
The danger in XSS is that one user may insert html code in his input data that you later inserts in a web page that is sent to another user.
There are in principle two strategies you can follow if you want to protect against this. You can either remove all dangerous characters from user input when they enter your system or you can html-encode the dangerous characters when you later on write them back to the browser.
Example of the first strategy:
User enter data (with html code)
Example of second strategy:
The first strategy is simpler, since you usually reads data less often that you use them. However, it is also more difficult because it potentially destroys the data. It is particulary difficult if you needs the data for something other than sending them back to the browser later on (like using an email address to actually send an email). It makes it more difficult to i.e. make a search in the database, include data in an pdf report, insert data in an email and so on.
The other strategy has the advantage of not destroying the input data, so you have a greater freedom in how you want to use the data later on. However, it may be more difficult to actually check that you html-encode all user submitted data that is sent to the browser. A solution to your particular problem would be to html-encode the email address when (or if) you ever put that email address on a web page.
The XSS problem is an example of a more general problem that arise when you mix user submitted data and control code. SQL injection is another example of the same problem. The problem is that the user submitted data is interpreted as instructions and not data. A third, less well known example is if you mix user submitted data in an email. The user submitted data may contain strings that the email server interprets as instructions. The "dangerous character" in this scenario is a line break followed by "From:".
It would be impossible to validate all input data against all possible control characters or sequences of characters that may in some way be interpreted as instructions in some potential application in the future. The only permanent solution to this is to actually sanitize all data that is potentially unsafe when you actually use that data.