I have passes a encoded SSO token in URL...so the URL looks like
but when i retreive the value of variable and print it using out.println("SSO Token:"+request.getParameter("token")); it prints
The correct token is which is present in the URL, WHY i am getting such a different value in my print...
Kindly help......
You are getting encoded value if you want decode then use following code. By default system decode for us but in your case it is not decoded and you must explicitly decode value of request.getParameter("token").
String token = request.getParameter("token").toString();
// To decode url
String decodedtoken = URLDecoder.decode(token , "UTF-8");
System.out.println("Decoded token value "+ decodedtoken);
// To encode url
String encodedtoken = URLEncoder.encode(token , "UTF-8");
System.out.println("Encoded token value "+ encodedtoken);