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Joined requests : OneToMany + ManyToMany

I'm using an analogy to make my point more understandable. Let's imagine a library. We have Books, Collections of books, and Users. Books, Collections and Users are my entities.

  • A Collection has many Books (OnetoMany, bidirectionnal)
  • A Book may have been read by several Users (ManytoMany, bidirectionnal)

I have built these relations between the three entities, and so far, it seems fine.

Question is : how to display a list of Books for a given Collection, AND if the current User has read those Books?

I'm starting with this request for the list of books; I don't know how to add a sub-request or something similar for the users:

class CollectionRepository extends EntityRepository {
    public function getCollectionWithBooks($collectionName) {
        $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('c')
           ->leftJoin('c.books', 'b')
           ->where('c.urlname = :collectionName')
                ->setParameter('collectionName', $collectionName)

        return $qb->getQuery()


Thank you very much!


  • Found the answer thanks to Coussinsky.

    It was finally much less complicated than I expected :)

    First, we need the getter/setter of the users linked to the books. This can be done by updating the book entity with the console, such as :

    php app/console doctrine:generate:entities appLibraryBundle:Book

    We'll have a getUsers() method returning an arrayCollection.

    In the twig display, we can do something like this :

    {% for book in collectionWithBooks.books %}
        {% if app.user in book.users %}You have read this book.{% endif %}
    {% endfor %}