I'd like to show the time (HH:MM) in the middle of the soft button bar (eg like in Opera Mini or UC Browser 8.6) in LWUIT. I have used this code to get device time.
String getDateString ( Date date ) {
Calendar calendar = Calendar . getInstance ();
calendar . setTime ( date );
int hour = calendar . get ( Calendar . HOUR_OF_DAY );
int minute = calendar . get ( Calendar . MINUTE );
That is as far as I could go since I've never used time in J2ME. The time also needs to be updated like a normal clock, most likely through a thread. How do I go about this?
1) Took the time in the format of HH:MM
String time = String.valueOf(hour).concat(":").concat(String.valueOf(minute));
2) Set the thirdsoftbutton to true for adding center soft button
3) Create a command with the value of time and add it to the form
frmObj.addCommand(new Command(time));
Now, you will have the time at the middle of the soft button bar.