I'm trying to show the results from my PageDown textarea on the show view in rails. The example I am following is here: http://code.google.com/p/pagedown/wiki/PageDown
<script type="text/javascript">
var converter = new Markdown.getSanitizingConverter();
document.write(converter.makeHtml("<%= j @joboffer.tasks.to_s %>");
However, there is a javascript error, stating that ; is unexpected. My output, shortened, looks like this:
..(converter.makeHtml("Aufgaben \n\n - Zusatzleistungen\n ");
It doesn't really matter what I insert into the database, the code gets accepted during edit, but nothing whatsoever is shown in show. What am I doing wrong?
Stupid me. Forgot to close one more bracket before the last ; Time for bed.
Also, there is a typo in the PageDown documentation:
Missing one ) towards the end at the sanitizer example: http://code.google.com/p/pagedown/wiki/PageDown