i am trying to make a distributed application and could really use some help in how to create it, what i want to do is this
Computer 1 and computer 2 are connected via a LAN.
Computer 1 takes an order from a customer and sends it to comp2. Computer 2 sends an acknowledgement to Computer 1 when order completed.
its a pretty simple code and i think i could just send text between them instead of sending objects, though i am not sure yet, which would be better. any ideas?
i am not sure what i should use to communicate between the computers, should i use socket which i have a little experience with or something like RMI or REST which i have never used before but dont mind learning if it doesnt take alot of time because have to finish this code soon.
would really appreciate the help thanks
Not sure why you got 3 down votes, but I will try to help, no code snippet will be provided, because that can be found.
if you use a TCP/IP connection:
comp1 takes an order from a customer and sends it to comp2. Comp2 sends an acknowledgement to comp1 when order completed.
it is 1 step: if the sender can write, than the reader "acknowledged". I wouldn't use a back message. Same with the old style RPC.
As I can see this is a UDP requirement, and than comp1 should send a message for comp2 with "acknowledged the "acknowledgement" and the comp2 should send back a "acknowledged of acknowledged the "acknowledgement" it is a loool, I hate UDP for this reason.
To open a TCP connection, one of they should listen ( comp2 in this case) and other one ( comp 1 ) it is just connection and do a message. If he got a write error, than the comp2 couldn't receive, ofc. Even if you use REST, the comp2 should be on server side.
For code search for "TCP/IP client server example".
I Hope it helps!