Is there a way to set the cusror position in GWT RichTextArea. There is method setCusrorPosition() to do so in TextArea, but not in RichTextArea.
Perhaps there is a native JavaScript (called from GWT) that could set the cursor position in the RichTextArea?
You are right RichTextArea is not providing the setSelectionRange method, but i have created one using the JSNI.
Below is the method,
public native void setSelectionRange(Element elem, int pos, int length) /*-{
try {
var selection = null, range2 = null;
var iframeWindow = elem.contentWindow;
var iframeDocument = iframeWindow.document;
selection = iframeWindow.getSelection();
range2 = selection.getRangeAt(0);
//create new range
var range = iframeDocument.createRange();
range.setStart(selection.anchorNode, pos);
range.setEnd(selection.anchorNode, length);
//remove the old range and add the newly created range
if (selection.removeRange) { // Firefox, Opera, IE after version 9
} else {
if (selection.removeAllRanges) { // Safari, Google Chrome
} catch (e) {
For using above method write below code:
final RichTextArea tr = new RichTextArea();
Button b = new Button("Test");
b.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
setSelectionRange(tr.getElement(), 15, 20);
Note: Do remember to put the validation checks of "pos" and "length" you are passing in setSelectionRange() method. This code had been tested in IE9, FF, Chrome.