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Step by step evaluation with parser combinator in scala

I'm just learning the Scala parser combinator library. I've experimented a working parser that parses some arithmetic expressions with an abstract syntax tree. So when I call


and my parser parses all the input then gives me an evaluation. But how can I have a step by step evaluation?


3 + 4 * 7

it prints

3 + 28



in separate lines.

I've scan through the apis but the docs there are not very helpful ... Thanks for help.


  • Here's a really simple implementation of what you are trying to do:

    First, we define an expression hierarchy. You will need to tailor this to your specific problem.

    trait Expr {
      def eval: Int
    case class IntLeaf(n: Int) extends Expr {
      def eval = n
      override def toString = "%d".format(n)
    case class Sum(a: Expr, b: Expr) extends Expr {
      def eval = a.eval + b.eval
      override def toString = "(%s + %s)".format(a, b)

    Then, a function that combines only the bottom-most branch.

    def combineLeaves(e: Expr): Expr = {
      e match {
        case IntLeaf(n) => IntLeaf(n)
        case Sum(IntLeaf(a), IntLeaf(b)) => IntLeaf(a + b)
        case Sum(a, b) => Sum(combineLeaves(a), combineLeaves(b))

    Then, a function that combines the tree one level at a time, printing as it goes.

    def printEval(e: Expr) {
      e match {
        case IntLeaf(n) =>
        case _ => printEval(combineLeaves(e))

    Now, the Parser. Again, you'll have to tailor this to your data.

    object ArithmeticParser extends RegexParsers {
      private def int: Parser[IntLeaf] = regex(new Regex("""\d+""")).map(s => IntLeaf(s.toInt))
      private def sum: Parser[Sum] = ("(" ~> expr ~ "+" ~ expr <~ ")").map { case (a ~ _ ~ b) => Sum(a, b) }
      private def expr = int | sum
      def parse(str: String): ParseResult[Expr] = parseAll(expr, str)
      def apply(str: String): Expr = ArithmeticParser.parse(str) match {
        case ArithmeticParser.Success(result: Expr, _) => result
        case _ => sys.error("Could not parse the input string: " + str)

    And here's how you use it:

    scala> printEval(ArithmeticParser("((1 + 7) + ((3 + 9) + 5))"))
    ((1 + 7) + ((3 + 9) + 5))
    (8 + (12 + 5))
    (8 + 17)